2018 - Public Life Scholarship
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of
Pécs invites applications for the Excellence Scholarship in the framework of
the project referred to as
EFOP-3.4.4-16-2017-00004 ’Realisation of skills development and communication
programmes to increase student enrolment in higher education and promote STEM
majors at the University of Pécs’." with the
aim of providing financial assistance for the public life activities of
outstanding students.
The programme aims to reward students’ public life activities and
encourage applicants who contribute to marketing or other events and to the promotion of enrolment activities.
Applications must be submitted using the application form and attaching all the documents specified in the Call for Applications.
The amount awarded is maximum 50.000 HUF/semester/person for a period of four months in the second semester of the academic year 2018-2019 (March – July 2019).
The Grants and Scholarship Committee of the Faculty will evaluate the applications and make a decision within five working days following the application submission deadline.
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