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Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

Medical Engineering Research Team

Name of the research team:
Medical Engineering Research Team
Name of the institute hosting the research team:
Institute of Information and Electrical Technology

Head of the research team and their academic qualification:
Name Academic Qualification Status Department
Dr. Ádám Schiffer PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Members of the research group:
Name Academic Qualification Status Department
Dr. Miklós Gerzson candidate of sciences associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Péter Müller assistant lecturer Department of Technical Informatics
Zsolt Kisander assistant lecturer Department of Electrical Networks
Dr. Péter Maróti PhD assistant professor MediSkillsLab – Medical Simulation Education Center
Dr. Luca Tóth PhD assistant lecturer UP Medical School – Institute for Translational Medicine
Dr. Balázs Tukora PhD associate professor Department of Technical Informatics
Scope of the research team:
We are engaged in interdisciplinary medical-engineering research, within which we conduct the following research:
- Motion analysis on robotic devices and patients in neurorehabilitation to monitor therapeutic efficacy.
- AR-VR software development for medical purposes
- EMG signal processing
- myoelectric prosthesis development.
Research objectives of the research team:
The University of Pécs established the Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Innovations, involving inter- and multidisciplinary research teams and market partners. The objective of our research team is to cultivate projects and research areas that support applied research at the medical-technical cross section. In close collaboration with the Medical School and the 3D Centre of the University of Pécs, we are running several projects. In addition, our research aims to apply engineering technologies and methodologies in the medical fields, resulting in operational, innovative products and numerous publications.
Education, Research, and Innovation graph

MTMT data
Dr. Schiffer Ádám
Müller Péter
Kisander Zsolt
Dr. Gerzson Miklós
Dr. Tukora Balázs
Dr. Maróti Péter
Dr. Tóth Luca