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Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

Information regarding COVID-19 vaccination for Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders

Dear Scholarship holders,

We would like to inform you about the possibility to register for the Covid-19 vaccine. As scholarship holders, you are entitled to receive the social security benefits provided by Hungary's national health insurance scheme, thus you can register for Covid vaccine on the following website: https://vakcinainfo.gov.hu/regisztracio-oltasra.

Please note that injections are voluntary, so it is your decision whether you apply for the vaccine or not.

At the moment the website is only available in Hungarian language, so we advise you to ask the help of a Hungarian-speaking person in the registration process.

Also, we would like to share the most important data which you will need to insert in the form appearing on the website to register for the vaccine:

  • Név = Name
  • Lakcím = Address
  • Irányítószám = Postal code
  • Település = City / town
  • Cím = Address
  • További adatok = Further data
  • Életkor = Age
  • E-mail cím = Email address
  • E-mail cím újra = Email address again
  • Telefonszám = Phone number
  • TAJ szám = TAJ number (Hungarian social security number)

After inserting the above data (all fields are required to fill in), you need to consent to processing your personal data by ticking the box on the bottom of the page).

After registering you will be provided with the necessary information via the given contact details. Please note that the order of getting the vaccine is not determined by the order of registration, but based on the degree of vulnerability.

Please note that all the relevant information is provided on the website specified above, and we cannot provide you with further information at the moment.

We will keep informing you about the updates in relation to the coronavirus.


Yours faithfully,

Directorate for Study in Hungary

Tempus Public Foundation”