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Műszaki és Informatikai Kar

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IEEE EMBS Public Forum : Healthcare Tech Industry Trends

The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Public Forum on Healthcare Tech Industry Trends will be held on August 25-28, 2021, and aims to highlight and discuss the challenges and opportunities of the healthcare tech industry, translation, and commercialization with the participation of 26 healthcare tech leaders, entrepreneurs, and influencers. Along with topical information, this forum will expose students and postdocs to the many career and networking opportunities in the global healthcare market.

Astrata Europe B.V. is looking for aJunior IT Engineer

What  do  we  do: We  create solutions  that  have the  power  to  change  the  supply  chain  and logistics world. The world of smart logistics and mobility is transforming our lives with connected vehicles, digitalization of supply chain processes, and smart cities, making our lives as consumers and  workers  easier.